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A Visual for the Gastric Band- The “Tummy Tube”

I love this visual to describe the changes in your digestive track after a Gastric Banding Surgery. Use this image as a reminder when you make a food choices. This will help you think of what will stay with you longer so you can get lose the most amount of weight with your surgery!

A Visual for Gastric Bypass – The “Tummy Tube”

I love this visual to describe the changes in your digestive track after a Gastric Bypass Surgery. Use this image as a reminder when you make a food choices. This will help you think of what will stay with you longer so you can get lose the most amount of weight with your surgery!

A Visual for the Gastric Sleeve – The “Tummy Tube”

I love this visual to describe the changes in your digestive track after a Gastric Sleeve Surgery. Use this image as a reminder when you make a food choices. This will help you think of what will stay with you longer so you can get lose the most amount of weight with your surgery!

FoodCoachMe Guide to WLS Protein Shakes

  When you started research Bariatric Surgery, you likely started hearing how important protein was going to be after Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass Surgery! Protein shakes are the most common way for many patients to focus on protein. But who should really be using protein shakes? And what should you put in them? What … Continue reading “FoodCoachMe Guide to WLS Protein Shakes”

Reasons for Weight Re-Gain Part 3: Drinking Calories…Including Shakes!

It’s everyone’s biggest fear about having weight loss surgery….gaining the weight back. When having a Gastric Bypass or Gastric Sleeve surgery feels like the “last resort” and then weight comes back on, patients feel guilty, ashamed and tempted to give up altogether. So how does weight re-gain happen? It seems mind boggling but the reality … Continue reading “Reasons for Weight Re-Gain Part 3: Drinking Calories…Including Shakes!”

Do I Still Need Protein Shakes?

Every bariatric program out there is totally different. In fact, it really amazes me all the different approaches and opinions! If you’ve spent any amount of time reading about weight-loss surgery online or on social media groups, I’m certain you’ve realized this quickly. “My dietitian told me THIS” but “MY doctor told me THIS!” If we … Continue reading “Do I Still Need Protein Shakes?”